Lincoln Park Fishing Derby 4/30 Kids ≤ 15y FREE! @GilCedilloCD1 @JimmyGomezCA #LACityParks
Friends, Our office is very proud to sponsor the Annual Youth Fishing Derby at Lincoln Park. This is a free event for children age 15 or younger, and will include equipment (rods, reels, tackle, and bait) for those who don't have their own, as well as assistance for those who want it, and lunch. Pole rentals require a valid driver license. Lincoln Park Youth Fishing Derby --Free Event-- Saturday, April 30th 8:00am - 9:00am Registration 9:00am - 12:00pm Fishing Derby 12:00pm - 1:00pm Drawing Lincoln Park Lake (3501 Valley Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90031) For more information call (562)865-3764. We hope to see you there. Sincerely, Gil Cedillo Councilmember, First District
![]() “The Incredibles” 4/29 6:30p @EagleRockElem Auditorium | $ benefits 6th Gr Astrocamp Fieldtrip Parents! At ERES this Friday night, the 29th, the 6th grade will be showing the hit film "The Incredibles." All sales will benefit and support the 6th grade Astrocamp fieldtrip.
opportunities available for our 1st Annual @EagleRockElem Family #Luau Night | Friday 5/6
Join us for a fun-filled Family Luau. There will be food sales, craft tables, and games, not to mention great music. The more helping hands, the smoother everything runs... please consider volunteering and sign up for where you would like to support.
Free @SmarterBalanced Assessment resources provided by @CaliforniaPTA #PTA4Kids @CADeptEd @LASchools
It's that time of year -- time for students in grades 3 - 8 and 11 to take the new assessments! California’s new student-assessment program — called the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) — represents the next step in our state’s ambitious education remodeling project. As of spring 2015, California schools replaced old tests with new assessments built to let parents and teachers know how well students are learning the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in today’s world. This year will be the second year of full implementation of the new assessments. Spring 2016 testing will take place mostly in April and May, depending on school district calendars. California State PTA has free, downloadable resources to help families understand what the assessments and scores mean for student success and to help parents use the results as a tool to talk with teachers about progress: What the Scores Mean -- Family-friendly explanations about the assessment scores Questions to Ask -- Questions for families to ask to stay engaged in their child's assessment and education Smarter Balanced Resources -- This infographic from California State PTA and Children Now offers answers and resources on frequently asked assessment questions Early Assessment Program -- A flier from California State University, California Community Colleges and University of California outlines what the assessments mean for 11th-grade students And much more!
ICYMI here's footage of @ABC7 highlighting our 4th Grade CDI #Dance Program @CaliforniaPTA #PTA4Kids
In case you missed it, here's the television footage from Monday, April 25 during a visit from our local ABC affiliate highlighting our wonderful CA Dance Institute program. Thanks again Christina Salvo and the rest of the ABC7 Eyewitness News Team! ![]() @ABC7Christina @ABC7LA for visiting @EagleRockElem to share about @CADanceInst Program #MyDayinLA Earlier today we were visited by Christina Salvo from our local ABC7 Eyewitness News Team to offer a highlight of our wonderful 4th Grade Dance Program offered through CA Dance Institute and funded by your Eagle Rock Elementary PTA and our partners at EREEF! Celebrate #Science Sat 4/23 (1p-4p) @LAPublicLibrary 10th Annual Science Day #STEM #STEAM
Science is Awesome! Visit the Los Angeles Public Library's Central Library location as they celebrate all things science and the 10th anniversary of Central Library’s Science Day! This is a FREE EVENT and fun for the whole family! Mad Science of Los Angeles presents “Up, Up, and Away!” and Full Spectrum presents “Wild Things and Animals of Prey.” We’ll also have cool demos from LA Makerspace, CyberCode Twins, and Los Angeles Public Library’s 3-D Printer! Plus Science in Action – Hands-on Activities, STAR Volunteer Reader, Toddler and Preschool Activities, Photo Booth, and much, much more! Central Library’s 10th Annual Science Day Saturday, April 23 (1:00p - 4:00p) Los Angeles Central Library (630 W. 5th St, Los Angeles, CA 90071) RSVP on Facebook (optional) Mark Taper Auditorium (1:30 p.m. & 2:45 p.m.) Up, Up, and Away! Presented by Mad Science of Los Angeles Children’s Courtyard (1 - 4 p.m.) Wild Things and Animals of Prey Presented by Full Spectrum Thornton Courtyard (1 - 4 p.m.) Hands-on Activities 3D Printer Cybercode Twins Face Painting Famous Toy Inventions LA Makerspace Makey Makeys Ozobots Photobooth STAR Readers Tech Tryout Cart Toddler and Preschool Zone ...and much more! ![]() is tomorrow Fri April 22 | Hey @LASchools & @EagleRockElem let's make #EarthDayEveryDay @EPA EPA History: Earth Day The First Earth Day in April 1970 ( It may be hard to imagine that before 1970, a factory could spew black clouds of toxic into the air or dump tons of toxic waste into a nearby stream, and that was perfectly legal. They could not be taken to court to stop it. How was that possible? Because there was no EPA, no Clean Air Act, no Clean Water Act. There were no legal or regulatory mechanisms to protect our environment. In spring 1970, Senator Gaylord Nelson created Earth Day as a way to force this issue onto the national agenda. Twenty million Americans demonstrated in different U.S. cities, and it worked! In December 1970, Congress authorized the creation of a new federal agency to tackle environmental issues, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Follow these links to learn more!
Apr 2016 issue shares Four ways you can support student success #PTA4Kids @CaliforniaPTA 'How can I help my child succeed?' From a newly revised funding formula to new standards for teaching and learning, California’s schools are undergoing historic changes. But some things have not changed: All parents want the best for their children. We want to be able to know what is going on in our children’s classrooms and schools and we want to support student success. Here are four different examples of ways you can help support your child's success -- find out much more at!
Click image at left to read the issue in English or image at right for Spanish version turns 100 | Free Admission #NationalParks Week (4/16-4/24) #FindYourPark #EncuentraTuParque
2016 marks the Centennial of the National Park Service which turns 100 on August 25, 2016; however, you and your families can take part in the celebration during National Parks Week. Beginning Saturday, April 16 and running through Sunday, April 24 you and your families are invited to visit any of our country's amazing National Parks for FREE! The National Park Service is once again partnering with the National Park Foundation, the official charity of America's national parks, to present National Park Week, a presidentially proclaimed celebration of our national heritage. Plan your visit by what you want to do or where you want to go. Here are some highlights during National Park Week: April 16–24: Visit for free!
Don't forget to check out There you can share your national park photos, videos, and tips. While you're there, learn all about the ways you can help support your national parks all year round. Try something new this year. Find your park! |
June 2022