![]() Ends this Sunday, Nov 1 (2:00a) | Reminder to Fall Back & set your clocks back one hour #DST Daylight saving time (DST) is the part of the year when we advance our clocks by one hour, shifting the time of day in relation to where the Sun is above Earth. In other words, during DST the "daylight" begins an hour later in the morning and lasts an hour longer in the evening. This change helps keep the hours of daylight coordinated with the time that most people are active. Proponents feel that this saves energy because in the spring and summer months more people may be outside in the evening and not using energy at home. There are, however, ongoing debates about how much energy is saved. The California Energy Commission has additional information about DST and links to several studies about its effects on energy consumption.
Some people remember which way to move their clocks using the phrase, "spring forward, fall back". Follow this link to learn more.
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Enjoy your Tricks and Treats | Follow these links for more info regarding Halloween facts and safety.
Halloween, which dates back to Celtic rituals thousands of years ago, has long been associated with images of witches, ghosts and vampires. Today, Halloween has evolved into a celebration characterized by child-friendly activities, such as costumes, trick-or-treating and carving pumpkins into jack-o’-lanterns. The origin of our Western holiday known as Halloween is found in the ancient Celtic festival, Samhain (pronounced SOW-in). From present-day Ireland to the United Kingdom to Bretagne (Brittany), France, the ancient Celts marked this as one of their four most important festival quarter days of the year. Samhain commenced on the eve of October 31st, and ushered in the Celtic New Year on November 1st. The Celts experienced this as a liminal (threshold) period when the normally strict boundaries between the worlds of the living and the dead became mutable. On the eve of Samhain, they believed the veil between the two realms was the most transparent, allowing the spirits of those who have died to return to visit earth...
![]() Annual festival Fri, October 30 (3:00p - 5:00p) on the playground | $1 Tickets @EagleRockElem Annual festival will take place on the school playground. Tickets are $1 and will be on sale during the festival. Food and games are $1-$5. Our annual Eagle Rock Elementary Fall Festival needs lots of helping hands to make it run smoothly. Please consider signing up for one or more slots to continue our fun, effective, and traditional fundraising event! ![]() begin in November continue through February | Come visit your neighborhood school @EagleRockElem Eagle Rock Elementary will be offering 4 Kindergarten and Neighborhood School Tours beginning in November and ending in February. Come visit your neighborhood school! All tours are on Mondays and start in front of the main entrance to campus at 8:30am.
RSVP to [email protected] with the requested date and # in party. ![]() PTA Executive Board (Reflections Arts Chair)-Come join other parents & help make difference on our campus Are you interested in the Arts? The Eagle Rock Elementary PTA Executive Board is looking for a Reflections Arts Board member. The position is responsible for coordinating our schools participation in this National program. The Executive Board meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm. ERE PTA has participated in this program for many years, however, in order to be a participating school we need to identify a Board member as soon as possible. If interested please email [email protected]. All students attending PTA schools sponsoring the program are invited to participate and submit original artwork in one of six areas:
Share your voice on search for our next LAUSD Superintendent | Attend a Community Mtg @LASchools
Attend our local Community Forum to discuss the process of selecting the next Superintendent of Schools. Beyond the Bell will provide school-age activities for children at no cost. Tuesday, 10/27/2015 (11:00a & 6:30p) Eagle Rock High School Auditorium 1750 Yosemite Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90041 District officials said the meetings will revolve around three questions:
Complete the online survey by Wednesday, October 28 (also available in Chinese, Korean and Armenian as well as English and Spanish). LASchoolReport Go behind the scenes of our great city's great arts centers Sat 10/24 (10a-5p) FREE @musiccenterla
LA's home for world-class arts and culture turns inside out with open rehearsals, architecture tours, museum exhibitions, performances, food and drink, and kids film screenings. Grab the whole crew to take a peek behind-the-scenes for the ultimate Los Angeles field trip. Click the image below for more information. Friday 10/30 3:00p-5:00p on the playground | Tickets for sale before school and @ festival
Eagle Rock Elementary Annual Halloween Festival is coming! Next Friday, October 30 from 3:00p - 5:00p in the school playground. Tickets are $1 and will be on sale before school Friday, October 23 -Thursday, October 29 and during the festival. Food and games are $1-$5. Please do not wear masks, scary or gory costumes, or bring toy weapons. Thank you! 10/19-25 Join @CommonSenseEdu and parents across the USA and #HaveTheTalk with your kids
Grown-ups dread it. Kids need it. It's time to have The Talk.You don't want kids learning about the birds and the bees on the playground. And when it comes to navigating social media, online games, smartphones, and the Internet, it's best for kids to get their info from a trusted source. With 92 percent of teens going online daily and nearly three-quarters of kids age 0–8 using apps, having The Talk is an essential rite of passage. As parents and educators, we want to raise kids to be safe, responsible, and ethical in the digital world. Giving kids a solid understanding of how we expect them to behave -- both online and off -- starts everyone off on the right foot. Plus, it's actually a lot easier than that other talk. Click below for more info on how to get involved. ![]() Mtg 10/23 8:20a (Rm 3)-Learn how @EagleRockElem programs help improve achievement for ALL @usedgov Come to Room 3 after the Friday morning assembly to learn more about our Title I Program.
June 2022