PTA is excited to sponsor Occidental College Children's Theater performances for the students at ERE. This year's show is called LITTLE RED FRANKENHOOD.
The three performances at Eagle Rock Elementary will be this week on the West Lawn during the school day.
Shopping Amazon for your last-minute Halloween needs? Make sure to click-through to Amazon through the PTA site (click-through Amazon icons are on every page) and designate Eagle Rock Elementary PTA as your Amazon Smile recipient. For every purchase made, the PTA receives a commission that goes straight toward all of our enrichment programs with no added cost to you.
The Eagle Rock Elementary Fall Book Fair is coming soon and volunteers are needed! Please click here to sign up and keep your eye out for more details to come!
Dates are Nov. 7th - 10th (same week as Parent-Teacher Conferences) Leave your dishes clean and join us this week for our monthly DINE OUT at PANDA EXPRESS on THURSDAY (October 13th).
FLYERS GO HOME TODAY, and you need to bring them!! So stick them on the fridge or bulletin board and bring them with you or save them on your smartphone to show at the register when you grab dinner for everyone Thursday evening! You can eat any time between 10 am and 11 pm on Thursday and the restaurant will donate a generous 20% of your total purchase to Eagle Rock Elementary! Submit your photos from school events throughout the year to the YEARBOOK!
This is the link you can upload to: |
June 2022