#MakeYourMark during the CA Primaries Elections next Tuesday 6/7 | Don't Vote? Don't Complain!
The Presidential Primary Election is on Tuesday, June 7, 2016. Please remember to take some time to make your mark and vote!
![]() Take the opportunity & participate on the 2016-2017 PTA Board | Elections at forthcoming 3/16 Meeting All are invited to consider taking on a role on the PTA Board for the coming 2016-2017 school year. This is an opportunity to become an integral member of our organization of parents, teachers and community members as we strive to enhance our children’s experience here at Eagle Rock Elementary. Many working parents feel that they cannot be involved in the business and activities of the PTA because they cannot come to every meeting or be on campus during the day; however, the possibilities in ways you can participate are nearly limitless. The privilege of nominating from the floor is extended to members of the association who are present, whose dues are paid, and who have been members of the association for at least 30 days. A qualified member may nominate his or her self and nominations do not require a second, only the nominee’s consent. You can make a difference in our school community so consider a leadership role in your Eagle Rock Elementary PTA! ![]() Your child's personal information is being released: Voice your concerns NOW #PTA4Kids @CaliforniaPTA (via [email protected] February 17, 2016) February federal court ruling is requiring the California Department of Education to release all personal data -- even including names and Social Security numbers -- on general and special education students since Jan. 1, 2008: more than 10 million students including your child's information. Take action now to voice your objection to releasing your child's personal information! What you can do right now: Voice your objection Follow these step-by-step instructions to complete the Objection to Disclosure of Student Information and Records: 1. Download the form -- available in English and Spanish: 2. Mail the completed form, one for each student, exactly as required to: United State District Judge Kimberly J. Mueller c/o Clerk of the Court Robert T. Matsui United States Courthouse 501 I Street, Room 4-200 Sacramento, CA 95814 Attn: Document Filed Under Seal. 3. Mail a copy to the California Department of Education at: California Department of Education 1430 N Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Attn: State Superintendent Tom Torlakson, Morgan Hill Court Ruling. The deadline to submit objection forms and make your voice heard is April 1, so don’t delay – get yours in the mail to the court and CDE today! Do not fax or email the form, and do not phone or message – only hard-copy forms will be accepted. WHAT CALIFORNIA STATE PTA IS DOING It’s hard to fathom that a judge would allow such an overexposure of children’s information. While California State PTA is not part of the court ruling, we are exploring other avenues to delay, reduce or possibly reverse the release of so much of our children’s personal information. California State PTA has a long history of protecting and upholding students’ privacy rights, and today is no different. Read our media statement, and we'll keep you updated as we learn more. MORE INFORMATION In April 2012, the Morgan Hill Concerned Parents Association and the Concerned Parent Association filed a lawsuit against the California Department of Education_ (CDE) alleging non-compliance by local education agencies with special education laws. The suit also alleges the CDE fails to monitor, investigate and correct such non-compliance in accordance with the law. While this lawsuit called for students’ general demographic information, a federal court has just ruled that CDE must release all data -- even including names and Social Security numbers -- it has collected on general and special education students since Jan. 1, 2008 – more than 10 million students. Find out more from the CDE. Read the California Department of Education's media statement. ![]() Do your part 11/15 & every day & make the pledge #IWillRecycle #KeepAmericaBeautiful @kabtweet America Recycles Day, a program of Keep America Beautiful, is a nationally recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States and observed on November 15. ![]() PTA Executive Board (Reflections Arts Chair)-Come join other parents & help make difference on our campus Are you interested in the Arts? The Eagle Rock Elementary PTA Executive Board is looking for a Reflections Arts Board member. The position is responsible for coordinating our schools participation in this National program. The Executive Board meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm. ERE PTA has participated in this program for many years, however, in order to be a participating school we need to identify a Board member as soon as possible. If interested please email [email protected]. All students attending PTA schools sponsoring the program are invited to participate and submit original artwork in one of six areas:
Share your voice on search for our next LAUSD Superintendent | Attend a Community Mtg @LASchools
Attend our local Community Forum to discuss the process of selecting the next Superintendent of Schools. Beyond the Bell will provide school-age activities for children at no cost. Tuesday, 10/27/2015 (11:00a & 6:30p) Eagle Rock High School Auditorium 1750 Yosemite Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90041 District officials said the meetings will revolve around three questions:
Complete the online survey by Wednesday, October 28 (also available in Chinese, Korean and Armenian as well as English and Spanish). LASchoolReport Whether you qualify for free/reduced lunch or not please fill an online application #LASchools
Help our school reach 100% participation for the LAUSD Meal Applications. Whether you qualify of not, its completion is tied to our receipt of Federal funding. Use the online application or if you need assistance with the form, please see the Cafeteria Manager before school, or stop by the Parent Center and speak with our Community Rep, Pablo Peña. Additional information is available at LAUSD Food Services. #EagleRockElem won this year's #EWaste collection drive (7000lb) earning $1k! #JimmyGomezCA #AD51
Thank you Assemblymember Jimmy Gomez and to our amazing Eagle Rock Elementary School community for your wonderful support and making this happen. Congratulations! Isidore Electronics Recycling & Assemblymember Jimmy Gomez teamed up to present Principal Leach with this huge check for the $1,000 prize! Vote in today’s LAUSD BD5 Election | Take responsibility & get to the polls before they close @ 8p
Please remember to take a moment and share your voice in today's LAUSD School Board Elections where current Board District 5 (BD5) incumbent Bennett Kayser is up against Ref Rodriguez. This is your chance to exert your influence on policy that affects all of our children in Eagle Rock and the District as a whole. The polls opened at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. To locate your polling place and look up a sample ballot, visit the Los Angeles County Voter Website. So make a difference and get out there and vote! Don't Vote? Don't Complain! For information on the candidates and their positions on key issues, visit KPCC's election guide. Help #EagleRockElem collect the most to earn 50% of $ collected (4/20-4/24) #JimmyGomezCA #EarthDay
Did you know that over 200,000 tons of electronics ended up in landfills in California last year? Help celebrate Earth Day on April 22, by participating in the 3rd Annual E-Waste Collection event this week sponsored by State Assemblymember Jimmy Gomez and LAUSD Board Member Bennett Kayser. So, get rid of the clutter in your home and garage and recycle your old electronics (E-Waste) and help keep our landfills healthy. Bring your old TV's, computers, cell phones, power cords, cables, and basically anything else that was powered by electricity to be disposed of for you in a proper manner. All the E-Waste we collect will be weighed, and the school with the greatest amount of poundage collected will keep 50% of the money collected from the E-Waste where we at Eagle Rock Elementary will get reinvest it into working technology for our students. April 20-24 (Collections before and after school near the basketball courts) The following items will be accepted: Game Systems | Digital Cameras | Mp3 Players | GPS Systems | Assorted Electrical Wire & Power Cords | CRT Televisions & Monitors | Camcorders | Printers, Scanners & Faxes | Keyboards & Mice | Toner Cartridges | Surge Protectors | Computer Boards | Satellite Components | Photo Copiers | Microwaves | Power Supply Systems | Computer Services |
June 2022