![]() We have a day to give thanks. We have 2 days for getting deals. It’s time for a day for giving back Consider supporting the variety or programs brought to you by the Eagle Rock Elementary PTA by making a tax-deductible contribution to help continued funding of such programs as the California Dance Institute (CDI), Occidental Children's Theater, After School Arts Workshops and so many more. Help us fund additional programs such as the Eco-X and Full Circle Urban Ecology Prgrams (by The Wildwoods Foundation) which will be presented for your consideration at our forthcoming General Meeting on Thursday, December 6. You can make a difference in the educational experience of your child and his or her peers by supporting these and more programs designed to enrich all of our childrens' academic adventure here at Eagle Rock Elementary. Click here or on our PayPal Button to make your tax-deductible donation and thank you for your generous support! To learn more about The Wildwoods Foundation and their programs please attend our next General Meeting, Thursday December 6 from 6:30p-8:00p or visit them on the web at The Wildwoods Foundation.
For your Cyber Monday & Holiday Shopping Needs-use our Amazon Link and Support Eagle Rock Elementary
http://www.amazon.com/b?node=5550342011&tag=earoelpt07-20&camp=213757&creative=403873&linkCode=ur1&adid=11K2VRW2A1JJ961ST7NY&&ref-refURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eaglerock-pta.org%2Ffundraising.html Remember to use our Amazon Associates Link this Cyber Monday and for all your Holiday Shopping needs. Eagle Rock Elementary PTA will earn a percentage of your purchases (as much as 8.5%)! What are you waiting for? Tell your Family & Friends and have fun shopping! ![]() Tuesday, 11/13 at 1:35p whereas remainder of week (Wed - Fri, 11/14 - 11/16) is at 12:45 We apologize; however, there was an error in our email announcement. Early dismissal for today, Tuesday, 11/13 is at 1:35p whereas the rest of the week (Wed - Fri, 11/14 - 11/16) will be at 12:45. Thank you for bringing this to our attention...it's great to know that our email is being read. :) (11/13 through 11/16) Early Dismissal at 12:45p (1:35p on Tue)-Please meet with your child’s teacher!
![]() @LASchools to restore previously reduced five instructional days at 11/13 Board Mtg Board Meeting Agenda Item #38: "Resolved, That the Governing Board of the Los Angeles Unified School District direct the Superintendent to take action to restore the previously-reduced five instructional days to the 2012-2013 academic calendar as well as develop a plan with our labor partners to rescind furlough days for the 2012-2013 school year." http://www.utla.net/node/3875 Magnet Programs at King Middle School and Eagle Rock Jr/Sr High Schools (Thur, 11/8 @ 6:00p)
You are invited to attend an Informational Meeting to learn about the Magnet Programs at Thomas Starr King Middle School and Eagle Rock Jr./Sr. High Schools this Thursday, November 8, 2012 at Eagle Rock Elementary (Multipurpose Room) Thomas Starr King Middle School (6:00p - 6:30p) - Gifted/High Ability Technology & Arts Magnet - Environmental Studies Magnet - Film/Media Magnet Presentation by: Valorie Milio, Magnet Coordinator Eagle Rock Jr./Sr. High School (6:30p - 7:30p) - An International Baccalaureate World School Middle Years Programme - Highly Gifted/Gifted/ High Ability Magnet Center Presentation by: Derek Steinorth, Magnet Coordinator Laurie Bollman Little, IB Coordinator and Language A Teacher Stephen Williams, College Counselor ![]() 5% of the entire store’s sales from 4p-8p go to ERE-Help fund 6th Grade Culmination Please come out and help support Eagle Rock Elementary during our annual Shopping Night at our local Fresh & Easy located at: 4211 Eagle Rock Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90065 By simply donating your sales receipt, our school earns $1 for every $20 fresh&easy receipt collected. Proceeds earned will go towards the funding of our 6th Grade Culmination. ![]() GET OUT AND VOTE! Tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov. 6. Polls open 7:00a and Close 8:00p. Click on the following link to find your Polling Place: http://www.lavote.net/LOCATOR/ Additional Election information may be found at the following websites: Official Voter Guide: http://voterguide.sos.ca.gov/ State Propositions: http://elections.latimes.com/voterguide-2012/ Los Angeles County Measures: http://www.smartvoter.org/2012/11/06/ca/la/meas/ ![]() Daylight Savings Time Ends Sunday, 11/4 2:00a. Remember to set your clocks back one hour DST is also used to save energy and reduce artificial light needed during the evening hours — clocks are set one hour ahead during the spring, and one hour back to standard time in the autumn. However, many studies disagree about DST's energy savings and while some studies show a positive outcome, others do not. Benjamin Franklin first suggested Daylight Saving Time in 1784, but modern DST was not proposed until 1895 when an entomologist from New Zealand, George Vernon Hudson, presented a proposal for a two-hour daylight saving shift to the Wellington Philosophical Society. The conception of DST was mainly credited to an English builder, William Willett in 1905, when he presented the idea to advance the clock during the summer months. His proposal was published two years later and introduced to the House of Commons in February 1908. The first Daylight Saving Bill was examined by a select committee but was never made into a law. It was not until World War I, in 1916, that DST was adopted and implemented by several countries in Europe who initially rejected the idea. http://www.timeanddate.com/time/dst/ |
June 2022