![]() 11/20 | Literacy & Technology | ELA in the #CommonCore Classroom | FREE! Please RSVP by 11/15 Using Your Smart Tool (iPhone/iPad) to Support Literacy Megan Abraham – Room 4 [Target Grades: K-2] English Language Arts in the Common Core Classroom Anahid Artsvelian [Target Grades: 3-6] Workshops are scheduled to take place on Wednesday, November 20, 2013. Both workshops are offered at 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Choose to attend one or two workshops.
Childcare for school-age children will be provided for those who RSVP. Click for RSVP Form. Please RSVP to Lupe Rocha, Community Representative (Parent Center) by Friday, November 15, 2013.
![]() Application Deadline is this Friday, Nov 15 at 5:00p | Choose up to 3 options @LAUSDGATE @LASchools Three different programs are available through eCHOICES: Magnet, Permit with Transportation (PWT), No Child Left Behind - Public School Choice (NCLB-PSC). eChoices Online Application eChoices Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) CHOICES BROCHURES will also be available at all LAUSD schools, Educational Service Centers (ESC),LAUSD Headquarters, Parent Community Services Branch (PCSB) and Los Angeles City Libraries. Brochure-English | Brochure-Spanish | Brochure-Tagalog | Brochure-Korean ![]() (11/12-11/15) Dismissal is at 12:45 All Week | Contact office if can’t keep appt Please mark your calendar for your parent-teacher conference; be sure to notify the office in advance if an emergency arises and you cannot keep your appointment. Dismissal will be at 12:45 all 4 days this week. Buses are coordinated to leave at the early dismissal time of 12:45. Breakfast is being served daily in class at 8:11am. Brunch is being served daily at recess, not after school. Supper is being served in the afternoons for students in the after school program. ![]() Annual Arts Reflection Program kicks off Thursday, 11/7 (2:35p) | Meeting in Auditorium Please join us for an informative meeting, this Thursday, 11/7 at 2:35p in the Auditorium to discuss this year's PTA Reflections Program. Theme for the year is, "Believe, Dream, Inspire" To get involved, students submit an original piece, inspired by the annual theme, in any of following arts areas:
To allow student artworks to be recognized and judged with the appropriate developmental age and skill levels in mind, the Reflections Program is organized by school grade, offering 5 divisions:
For additional details please email Maria Azucena (Arts Reflection Chair) or inquire with your teachers. ![]() Saturday 11/9 (8:00a) | Bring shovels, brooms & gloves to help us PICK-UP, PREP & PLANT! Join the Eagle Rock Greening Organization (ERGO), this Saturday, November 9 from 8:00a until 12:00p and help prep our campus on the road to our long-term greening projects. Meet at the Maywood entrance | All are invited and thanks in advance! ![]() Co-sponsored with our Student Council | Collections accepted 11/4 – 11/8 at your child’s classroom Bring your donations of canned goods and non-perishable items to your classroom anytime between Monday, November 4 through Friday, November 8. Each teacher will have a collection box in their classrooms and we ask that you do not send any expired goods. All donations collected will be given to a local community Food Bank for distribution during the holidays. Thank you in advance for your generous support! ![]() Order form/$ due Mon, 11/4 | Thanks for your support to help reach $15k Goal for Tech & Trips This Monday, November 4th is the end of our Annual Autumn Fundraiser/Magazine Drive. Please submit all order forms and monies collected to the Parent Center. Remember you can continue to make purchases online by clicking here and follow the prompts. Please be sure to enter our School ID 1858869. Remember you can continue to make purchases year round. Top seller will win a Kindle Reader! ![]() Ends Sunday, November 3 (2:00a) | Please remember to set your clocks back tonight! Daylight Savings Time (DST) is also used to save energy and reduce artificial light needed during the evening hours — clocks are set one hour ahead during the spring, and one hour back to standard time in the autumn. Benjamin Franklin first suggested Daylight Saving Time in 1784, but modern DST was not proposed until 1895 when an entomologist from New Zealand, George Vernon Hudson, presented a proposal for a two-hour daylight saving shift to the Wellington Philosophical Society. The conception of DST was mainly credited to an English builder, William Willett in 1905, when he presented the idea to advance the clock during the summer months. His proposal was published two years later and introduced to the House of Commons in February 1908. The first Daylight Saving Bill was examined by a select committee but was never made into a law. It was not until World War I, in 1916, that DST was adopted and implemented by several countries in Europe who initially rejected the idea. Currently, most of the US observes DST except for Hawaii and most of Arizona, and the US insular areas of Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Guam. Click for more on The History of Daylight Saving Time |
June 2022