Support #EagleRock Elementary at our Annual Silent Auction 5/11 (7:00p) @EREEF90041 @OxyNews
Please join the Eagle Rock Elementary Educational Foundation this Saturday, May 11, 2013 at 7pm in Gresham Hall in the Johnson Student Center at Occidental College for their Annual Silent Auction where all proceeds will benefit Eagle Rock Elementary. Tickets are $50. For tickets, call 323-206-4134 or send email to [email protected] We look forward to seeing you at this wonderful event.
Please join us Saturday, 4/27 (9:00a) at #EagleRock HS for the annual 24 Hour Relay to Fight Cancer!
A big THANK YOU to our very own Dan and Nancy Marfisi who have volunteered to lead our Eagle Rock Elementary Team during the 24 Hour Relay. We’re very near our goal of raising $1,000 so consider making a donation today by clicking here. Interested in joining the Team? Can you spare some time and support us on that day? Here is a link to an hour-by-hour online signup sheet to walk with us this Saturday @ Eagle Rock High football field. WALKING SCHEDULE: DONATE: Please contact Dan & Nancy Marfisi at (323) 333-9447 or email them at [email protected] for more information. Thank you all for your support in this great cause! Orders from our Autumn Fundraiser are available for pickup Thursday, 12/6 (2:35p – 6:30p) in Room 29
Pickup of Tasty Batters Cookie Dough is mandatory and perishable! If not picked up, it will be donated to our local food shelters. Please note: Cookie Dough will not be given to students without a signed note of permission from their parent. Thank you all once again for your support and to help us meet our fundraising goals! We have a day to give thanks. We have 2 days for getting deals. It’s time for a day for giving back Consider supporting the variety or programs brought to you by the Eagle Rock Elementary PTA by making a tax-deductible contribution to help continued funding of such programs as the California Dance Institute (CDI), Occidental Children's Theater, After School Arts Workshops and so many more. Help us fund additional programs such as the Eco-X and Full Circle Urban Ecology Prgrams (by The Wildwoods Foundation) which will be presented for your consideration at our forthcoming General Meeting on Thursday, December 6. You can make a difference in the educational experience of your child and his or her peers by supporting these and more programs designed to enrich all of our childrens' academic adventure here at Eagle Rock Elementary. Click here or on our PayPal Button to make your tax-deductible donation and thank you for your generous support! To learn more about The Wildwoods Foundation and their programs please attend our next General Meeting, Thursday December 6 from 6:30p-8:00p or visit them on the web at The Wildwoods Foundation. For your Cyber Monday & Holiday Shopping Needs-use our Amazon Link and Support Eagle Rock Elementary Remember to use our Amazon Associates Link this Cyber Monday and for all your Holiday Shopping needs. Eagle Rock Elementary PTA will earn a percentage of your purchases (as much as 8.5%)! What are you waiting for? Tell your Family & Friends and have fun shopping! 5% of the entire store’s sales from 4p-8p go to ERE-Help fund 6th Grade Culmination Please come out and help support Eagle Rock Elementary during our annual Shopping Night at our local Fresh & Easy located at: 4211 Eagle Rock Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90065 By simply donating your sales receipt, our school earns $1 for every $20 fresh&easy receipt collected. Proceeds earned will go towards the funding of our 6th Grade Culmination. Magazine and Cookie Dough Sales. Help us reach our $20,000 Goal! We successfully kicked-off our Autumn Fundraiser going on now through Monday, October 29. Click here for additional information. Please visit the Fundraising Page and click on the link for Great American Opportunities and follow the prompts. Please be sure to enter our school ID#1858869. Remember you can continue to make purchases year round. You can order or renew your magazines, and you can purchase your Great American gift wrap and Holiday items as well. Use the link to send an email campaign too. (NOTE: Cookie dough not available for online purchase.) We will be in need of assistance processing and later distributing orders so if you'd like to lend a hand (which we will greatly appreciate) please send an email to [email protected] for more information. Order Forms & Money are due: Monday, October 29, 2012 Write Checks To: ERE PTA Write student name in check memo. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! :) Raising money for #EagleRock Elementary has never been this easy. Simply collect Fresh&Easy receipts from Sept. 12 through Dec. 31 and bring them to the Parent Center for colletion. For every $20 receipt collected, $1 will be donated to our school - it's that easy! Each school that raises $500 or more, gets an extra credit $50 bonus. The top two highest-earning schools in CA will each get a $5,000 bonus! Let's work together and Make It Happen! Want to help our kids? It’s easy! Click this link ( and vote for our school each week, now through September 8. Our school can receive up to $10,000 in Target GiftCards® for books or any supplies we need. Wouldn’t that be great? For every 25 votes our school receives, Target will send a $25 gift card! It's easy, all we need to do is vote for our school each week now until September 8. It’s part of Give With Target®. Share the link with you friends and family, too! :) Pickup cards @ Starbucks & help fund a Classroom Project-They'll provide more than one card if you ask!
June 2022