(12/6 at 6:30p)-Wildwoods Foundation presents on their various Urban Ecology Programs @WildwoodsLA
We are excited to welcome Mr. Dwain Wilson, Executive Director of The Wildwoods Foundation who will be presenting their Eco-X and Full Circle Urban Ecology Programs for your general consideration. Learn about these enriching programs and how you, our school community may consider potential PTA funding of these supplemental programs at our school. To learn more about The Wildwoods Foundation and their programs please attend our next General Meeting, Thursday December 6 from 6:30p-8:00p or visit them on the web at www.WildwoodsFoundation.org.
Magnet Programs at King Middle School and Eagle Rock Jr/Sr High Schools (Thur, 11/8 @ 6:00p)
You are invited to attend an Informational Meeting to learn about the Magnet Programs at Thomas Starr King Middle School and Eagle Rock Jr./Sr. High Schools this Thursday, November 8, 2012 at Eagle Rock Elementary (Multipurpose Room) Thomas Starr King Middle School (6:00p - 6:30p) - Gifted/High Ability Technology & Arts Magnet - Environmental Studies Magnet - Film/Media Magnet Presentation by: Valorie Milio, Magnet Coordinator Eagle Rock Jr./Sr. High School (6:30p - 7:30p) - An International Baccalaureate World School Middle Years Programme - Highly Gifted/Gifted/ High Ability Magnet Center Presentation by: Derek Steinorth, Magnet Coordinator Laurie Bollman Little, IB Coordinator and Language A Teacher Stephen Williams, College Counselor ![]() Thank you teachers for your input & parents for coming out to vote! Let’s make this a Great Year! The last piece of the Budget Pie is set and through your vote we will fund buses for all classes and any remaining additional after field trip transportation is funded will be applied towards additional technology purchases. We’re excited to see what additional software and hardware can be acquired to supplement our children’s learning experience. Very excited to see such a great turnout for our 1st PTA Meeting of the year. We wish to thank you all for your attendance and in sharing your voice as we plan for the 2012-2013 school year. We'll be meeting again in October to finalize our proposed $10,000 lump sum expense(s) after our teachers get another chance to share a conversation regarding what they would like for the year.
Join us on Thursday, 9/27 from 6:30-8:00 in the Multipurpose Room to help kick off another great year at #EagleRock Elementary. Meet other Eagle Rock Families, Faculty and PTA Board & Chairpersons, review proposed activities and budget for 2012-2013. Childcare and Refreshments provided.
Wednesday, 5/16/2012 @ 6:30p. Nominations for Board Vacancies. Raffles including Hunger Games Trilogy Book Set; pair of tickets for the Annual Night of Big Dreams Fundraiser @EREEF90041 and more. Bring a Friend - Refreshments & Childcare Provided!
See you @ 6:30p for tonight's #EagleRock Elementary PTA Mtg – Bring a Friend - Refreshments & Childcare Provided!
Hello #EagleRock Families!
************************************************************************* "Este correo electrónico se puede leer en español más abajo" ************************************************************************* We are requesting your attendance at our next PTA Meeting which will be held this Thursday, November 17, 2011 at 6:30p sharp in the Multipurpose Room (MPR). This is an important meeting and we look forward to seeing a very strong Eagle Rock Elementary turnout for our special guests LAUSD Board Member Bennett Kayser, his staff and representatives from LAUSD Facilities who will be presenting on the status of the construction of our Lunch Shelter, conditions of our Bathroom Facilities and other campus issues. This is your opportunity to hear, first hand from our Board Member regarding these and other important issues affecting our Children and our Community! We look forward to seeing you Thursday, November 17, 2011 at 6:30p sharp and please bring a friend! Refreshments and childcare will be provided. ************************************************************************* Saludos a nuestras familias de la escuela Primaria de Eagle Rock! Por favor vengan a nuestra próxima reunión de la Asociación de Padres y Maestros (PTA), este jueves, 17 de noviembre 2011 a las 6:30p en el Salón de Usos Múltiples (MPR). Esta es una reunión muy importante y esperamos ver un gran participación de todos nuestros padres de la escuela Primaria de Eagle Rock para nuestros invitados especiales incluyendo el Sr. Bennett Kayser, Miembro del Consejo Escolar, su personal y representantes de las Instalaciones del Districto Escolar que se presentan en el estado de la construcción de nuestro albergue de almuerzo, las condiciones de nuestros baños y otros asuntos. Este es el oportunidad de ustedes para escuchar directamente de nuestro miembro del Consejo Escolar con sobre estos y otros temas importantes que afectan a nuestros niños y nuestra comunidad! ¡Esperamos su presencia este Jueves, 17 de noviembre 2011 a las 6:30p y por favor, traiga a un amigo! Ofrecemos refrescos y cuidado de los niños. We had our 1st PTA General Meeting on 10/05/2011 and it was a smashing success!
Despite the inclement weather we had that day we was pleased with the turnout. New Families, Faculty and PTA Board & Chairpersons were introduced. The Budget for 2011-2012 was reviewed and approved with some changes brought up at the meeting (Click here to download the PowerPoint presented with a summary of the approved Budget). We are especially proud of the direction we are taking regarding our support of the campus-wide Technology Upgrades. The General Body unanimously agreed to allocate the funds originally intended for buses, smaller technology purchases and gift cards and focus them on badly needed upgrades for all classrooms. This is a small sacrifice that will yield a large return on investment for many more years to come. |
June 2022