Sending best wishes to our members of the Jewish Community during this year’s Festival of Lights!
Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, is celebrated Dec. 8-16, 2012. On the Hebrew calendar, the dates are 25 Kislev to 2 Tevet in the year 5773. An eight-day celebration, Hanukkah commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in the second century B.C.E. during the Maccabean revolt against oppressive Greek rulers. It is one of the most widely observed Jewish holidays and is celebrated by lighting a nine-branch candelabrum, commonly called a menorah. Greek influence over the Jews in the Land of Israel had become an affront to Jewish culture and ritual. Antiochus, the Greek ruler, forbade Jewish religious practice, so a small group of Jews, the Maccabees, revolted. These Jews eventually prevailed and, as a first order of business, restored the Holy Temple, which had been desecrated. The menorah in the Temple needed to be re-lit because, according to tradition, it should burn continuously. The Temple liberators found one vial of olive oil, enough for one day of light. Miraculously, the oil lasted for eight days. Traditionally, one candle or flame is lit for each night until the eighth night, when all eight lights shine together. The menorah has a ninth "helper" flame -- known as the shamash -- used to light the other candles. This is necessary because in Jewish law the Hanukkah lights' only purpose is to visually proclaim the miracle of the holiday. Jews place the lit menorah in a prominent window in order to fulfill this commandment. Gift giving is now a common practice on Hanukkah, and it is therefore a beloved time for Jewish children. Fried potato pancakes (latkes) and doughnuts (sufganiyot) are traditional fare, and a spinning top (dreidel) with four Hebrew letters has become synonymous with the holiday. The letters -- nun, gimel, hei, shin -- form an acronym for the message of Hanukkah: A great miracle happened there.
Orders from our Autumn Fundraiser are available for pickup Thursday, 12/6 (2:35p – 6:30p) in Room 29
Pickup of Tasty Batters Cookie Dough is mandatory and perishable! If not picked up, it will be donated to our local food shelters. Please note: Cookie Dough will not be given to students without a signed note of permission from their parent. Thank you all once again for your support and to help us meet our fundraising goals! (12/6 at 6:30p)-Wildwoods Foundation presents on their various Urban Ecology Programs @WildwoodsLA
We are excited to welcome Mr. Dwain Wilson, Executive Director of The Wildwoods Foundation who will be presenting their Eco-X and Full Circle Urban Ecology Programs for your general consideration. Learn about these enriching programs and how you, our school community may consider potential PTA funding of these supplemental programs at our school. To learn more about The Wildwoods Foundation and their programs please attend our next General Meeting, Thursday December 6 from 6:30p-8:00p or visit them on the web at ![]() We have a day to give thanks. We have 2 days for getting deals. It’s time for a day for giving back Consider supporting the variety or programs brought to you by the Eagle Rock Elementary PTA by making a tax-deductible contribution to help continued funding of such programs as the California Dance Institute (CDI), Occidental Children's Theater, After School Arts Workshops and so many more. Help us fund additional programs such as the Eco-X and Full Circle Urban Ecology Prgrams (by The Wildwoods Foundation) which will be presented for your consideration at our forthcoming General Meeting on Thursday, December 6. You can make a difference in the educational experience of your child and his or her peers by supporting these and more programs designed to enrich all of our childrens' academic adventure here at Eagle Rock Elementary. Click here or on our PayPal Button to make your tax-deductible donation and thank you for your generous support! To learn more about The Wildwoods Foundation and their programs please attend our next General Meeting, Thursday December 6 from 6:30p-8:00p or visit them on the web at The Wildwoods Foundation. For your Cyber Monday & Holiday Shopping Needs-use our Amazon Link and Support Eagle Rock Elementary Remember to use our Amazon Associates Link this Cyber Monday and for all your Holiday Shopping needs. Eagle Rock Elementary PTA will earn a percentage of your purchases (as much as 8.5%)! What are you waiting for? Tell your Family & Friends and have fun shopping! ![]() Tuesday, 11/13 at 1:35p whereas remainder of week (Wed - Fri, 11/14 - 11/16) is at 12:45 We apologize; however, there was an error in our email announcement. Early dismissal for today, Tuesday, 11/13 is at 1:35p whereas the rest of the week (Wed - Fri, 11/14 - 11/16) will be at 12:45. Thank you for bringing this to our's great to know that our email is being read. :) (11/13 through 11/16) Early Dismissal at 12:45p (1:35p on Tue)-Please meet with your child’s teacher!
![]() @LASchools to restore previously reduced five instructional days at 11/13 Board Mtg Board Meeting Agenda Item #38: "Resolved, That the Governing Board of the Los Angeles Unified School District direct the Superintendent to take action to restore the previously-reduced five instructional days to the 2012-2013 academic calendar as well as develop a plan with our labor partners to rescind furlough days for the 2012-2013 school year." Magnet Programs at King Middle School and Eagle Rock Jr/Sr High Schools (Thur, 11/8 @ 6:00p)
You are invited to attend an Informational Meeting to learn about the Magnet Programs at Thomas Starr King Middle School and Eagle Rock Jr./Sr. High Schools this Thursday, November 8, 2012 at Eagle Rock Elementary (Multipurpose Room) Thomas Starr King Middle School (6:00p - 6:30p) - Gifted/High Ability Technology & Arts Magnet - Environmental Studies Magnet - Film/Media Magnet Presentation by: Valorie Milio, Magnet Coordinator Eagle Rock Jr./Sr. High School (6:30p - 7:30p) - An International Baccalaureate World School Middle Years Programme - Highly Gifted/Gifted/ High Ability Magnet Center Presentation by: Derek Steinorth, Magnet Coordinator Laurie Bollman Little, IB Coordinator and Language A Teacher Stephen Williams, College Counselor |
June 2022