#LAUSD 2012-2013 Budget Proposes to Cut 100% of the Arts Program in the Elementary School Level!2/12/2012 Hello Eagle Rock Families!
************************************************************************ "Este correo electrónico se puede leer en español más abajo" ************************************************************************ On Tuesday, February 14,the LAUSD School Board of Education will be convening to vote on eliminating the Arts Program in the elementary school level. We must let the district know that this is not acceptable. PTA believes that visual and performing arts should be a basic and integral part of a balanced curriculum for all students. The purpose of public education is to level the playing field for all students, and arts education cultivates the innovation, problem-solving and creativity skills necessary for pursuing a career in the 21st-century American economy. Eliminating this vital program will not solve the budgetary challenges facing LAUSD. It will only hurt our students. The Board of Education will be voting on finalizing the budget for the 2012-2013 program year, on Tuesday, February 14, 2012, at 1:00 pm. The meeting will be at 333 S. Beaudry Ave., Los Angeles, 90017. LAUSD School Board meetings are open to the public. Due to heavy media coverage and major issues within LAUSD, it is expected that this meeting will draw large crowds. Those wishing to attend are advised to arrive early and plan to stay for several hours. In addition, the PTA has been collaborating with the California Alliance for Arts Education, which consists of local arts advocacy groups that support the arts program in the schools, and represents the voice of the parents and students. Arts4LA is our local advocacy group that has a letter written ready to be sent to the LAUSD Board of Education members, and to Dr. Deasy, asking them to preserve the arts program in the elementary schools. Please click on the following link and send your letter to your board member: http://advocate.artsforla.org/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=9435 The district is also proposing to eliminate the Adult Education Program and the Early Childhood Education Program, three of the most vital programs that are greatly needed. Over 300,000 adults benefit from the Adult Education Program, and the ECE Program prepares our preschool children to be ready for kindergarten, and educates and empowers parents to become advocates for thei children's education. It is imperative that we act on this quickly and we must once again rally as a community to save the Arts Program, the Adult Education Program and the Early Childhood Education Program. Thank you so much for your continued support! ********************************************************** Estimados padres de la escuela de Eagle Rock! Este martes, el 14 de febrero, el Consejo de Educación del Distrito Escolar de Los Ángeles va a votar en la eliminación del Programa de Artes en la escuela primaria. Debemos informar al distrito que esto no es aceptable. La PTA cree que las artes visuales y dramáticas debe ser una parte básica y integral de un plan de estudios equilibrado para todos los estudiantes. El objetivo de la educación pública es el uso de la educación artística a cultivar la innovación, la solución de problemas y habilidades creativas necesarias para seguir una carrera en la economía estadounidense del siglo 21 para todos los estudiantes. La eliminación de este programa vital no va a resolver los problemas presupuestarios que enfrenta el LAUSD. Sólo le hará daño a nuestros estudiantes. El Consejo de Educación votará en la finalización del presupuesto para el año del programa 2012-2013, el Martes, 14 de febrero 2012, a las 1:00 pm en las oficinas del distrito ubicadas en 333 S Beaudry Ave, Los Ángeles, 90017. Las reuniones de la Junta Escolar están abiertas al público. Debido a la amplia cobertura mediática y los temas principales dentro de LAUSD, se espera que esta reunión será atraer a grandes multitudes. Aquellos que deseen asistir se les recomienda llegar temprano y planea quedarse por varias horas. El distrito también está proponiendo eliminar el Programa de Educación de Adultos y el Programa de Educación Inicial, tres de los programas más vitales que son muy necesarias. Más de 300.000 adultos se benefician del Programa de Educación de Adultos, y el Programa de la CEPE prepara a nuestros niños en edad preescolar para estar listo para el kinder, y educa y capacita a los padres a convertirse en defensores de la educación de sus hijos. Es mut importante que actuemos en este rápido y tenemos que reunir una vez más como una comunidad para salvar el Programa de Artes, el Programa de Educación de Adultos y el Programa de Educación Preescolar. Muchísimas gracias por todo su apoyo!!
Pickup cards @ Starbucks & help fund a Classroom Project-They'll provide more than one card if you ask!
Biggest thanks to the Wasserman Foundation @WassermanFDN for their generous contributions to our children and our schools. Here's a list of Los Angeles area Starbucks locations that will distribute $10 #donorschoosela gift cards beginning next Monday, January 23, 2012 including our local locations at Colorado & Eagle Rock, Eagle Rock & York, Vons (at Figeuroa & Colorado) and Target in the Westfield Eagle Rock Shopping Mall. http://help.donorschoose.org/app/answers/detail/a_id/388
Congratulations to EREEF @EREEF90041 and their awarding of a $5,000 Lowe's "Toolbox For Education Grant" which will go towards the planned School Library Expansion. Thanks for your efforts and your commitment to our school.
See you @ 6:30p for tonight's #EagleRock Elementary PTA Mtg – Bring a Friend - Refreshments & Childcare Provided!
We would like to announce/remind you that despite the sacrifice you made of PTA funded Transporation this year (thank you again for allocating these funds for our Technology Purchase), we want to encourage you to take advantage of Metro's "Student Field Trip Program." The program provides students, faculty and chaperones access to 18 approved destinations on Metro bus and/or rail service: We hope you had a Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah and enjoyed ringing in the New Year with your family and friends. Welcome back to school #EagleRock Elementary Eagles! Make it an awesome day!
Hi everyone, please remember to use our Affiliates Link to shop at Amazon.com. Visit our Fundraising Page, click the Amazon.com Banner and have fun shopping! Thanks!
http://www.eaglerock-pta.org/fundraising.html Yes, you can earn 5% for Eagle Rock Elementary when you shop, see a movie or dine at The Grove in Los Angeles or The Americana at Brand in Glendale.
It's easy, from Now until December 31, 2011 simply take your receipt to Concierge Services, let them know you are supporting Eagle Rock Elementary and that's it! Easy, right? We told you it would be. :) Usted puede ganar un 5% para nuestra escuela Primaria de Eagle Rock cuando vaya de compras, ve una película o cena en The Grove en Los Ángeles o en The Americana en Glendale. Es fácil, desde ahora hasta el 31 de diciembre 2011, simplemente tome su recibo al lugar de servicios de conserjería, explicarles que usted está apoyando a Eagle Rock Elementary y es todo! ¿Fácil, verdad? ;) Hello Eagle Rock Families!
**************************************** Este mensaje se puede leer en español más abajo **************************************** Our 6th Graders have been busy announcing and collecting for their Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive which will conclude tomorrow, November, 23, 2011. We would like to ask for one more generous contribution to the already collected food donations. Thank you all again for your generosity and in assisting members of your community in need this Holiday Season. All donations may be taken to your child’s classroom where it will be collected to later be distributed to our local Food Bank to assist those members of our community in need. Thank you so much! **************************************** Saludos a todas nuestras familias de la escuela Primaria de Eagle Rock! Nuestros estudiantes del grado 6to se han ocupados anunciando y operando su campaña anual de alimentos este día de gracias, que concluirá mañana, 23 de noviembre de 2011. Nos gustaría pedir una contribución más generosa a las donaciones de alimentos ya recogidos. Gracias a todos por su generosidad y en la asistencia a los miembros de su comunidad que necesitan ayuda. Todas las donaciones pueden ser llevadas a las clases de sus hijos y después se recogerán para luego ser distribuidos a nuestro banco de alimentos locales para ayudar a los miembros de nuestra comunidad en necesidad. ¡Muchísimas gracias! |
June 2022